Hi All !
Today I had task about compare table data exported from MS CRM 2011. After investigate I faced with awfully nice tool for MS Exel it name XLTools.net Columns Match for Excel 2013.
For me it was very convenient to use this tool and I has save my time using this instrument like analyst.
So, all about this tool you can reading here.
When you need your Excel columns to be compared with each other or with the set of standard values you may experience difficulties because it is a difficult task to be performed manually. Data may be missed, not copied, you may not know how to calculate the level of data similarity. With XLTools Columns Match app you don’t have a chance to make a mistake! Matching Columns wizard will help you to compare the sets of columns in Excel with each other or with the target columns, find the same or similar items and calculate the level of their coherence. Thanks to XLTools Columns Match app this process is performed immediately and you get a result in a user-friendly layout!
IT`s FREE !!!
How to work with Columns Match app for Excel 2013